Ministry of Testing is another example that does this. Started as a community, did irl conferences and events, a whole network of community run meetups, online AMAs, community articles, podcasts, Masterclasses, started building a custom online platform 5 years ago...and now (due to covid) now focusing all online.

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Sounds like exactly what Phlywheel is doing. ;)

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Sounds like Gagan’s new company (Maven) really picked up on this trend / evolution :)

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Very intriguing Greg. Loved the article.

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Amazing insights here Greg. Dropping knowledge! Time to get to work on Education 3.0.

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I think Openmined.org is a great example of community-first education. They are an open source community with clear leadership and direction. They get a lot of new community members from their PPML course on Udacity which was sponsored by FB.

But the course is just the beginning of the journey. It's a gateway drug to becoming a passionate proactive community member while learning and advancing state of the art privacy preserving ML ... worth looking into! I'm also curious about OSS startups with thriving communities like Rasa coversational AI!

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