For me, writing is the secret sauce. Usually my brain spits out ideas too fast and I am not exactly able to answer the question "why should I do it?". Writing slows my brain to a pace to consider the why. Thanks for writing.

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This is such a good idea.

Something I very rarely do. I tend to find a path from one job to the next. One leads to then next to the next. A natural progression maybe.

But this approach means I have much less control and miss opportunities outside my field of vision.

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It feels like you are sitting next to me and talking about life. The post is simple yet powerful.

I guess the most profound thoughts and questions don't need a lot of hype.

Appreciate you for reminding us to write our north stars in technicolor details 🙏🏼

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This is a great read Greg. I've been writing down my life vision for probably 10 years now. It's interesting that when you put thoughts down on to paper it helps us get clear on what we want and don't want. In my life goals/vision, I write about what I want and also don't want to experience. One of the key things was that I didn't want to be working 12-15 hour days like I had in the past. This in turn leads to thinking about what we want to experience instead and so on.

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